Research Recomendation for Derivative assets

TradingBee is a Technology Platform connecting Traders with Registered Analysts, Chartists & brokers and managed by experts in Financial and Technology sector. TradingBee is owned by GeeNee Fintech Pvt Ltd, Kochi. Traders can access trading forecast from SEBI registered Research Analyst, Build signals using mathematical models with a concentration on Stock, Futures, Options & Commodity Derivatives.

Technical Research Based Forecast

The technical algorithm-based research forecast successfully "LIVE TESTED" for several years in different asset classes like Indices, Stocks, and Commodity derivatives. The algorithm works on two basic modes of trading method.
1)BreakOut: To capture trades on a high sensitive range and generate momentum based forecast.
2)Trend Reversal: Initiate a trade when a prevailing trend get reversed to a new trend.

Minimize the loss and Maximize the Profit

Derivative trades cannot execute like normal investment. The Little ones joined together will make a bigger one. You always need keep a risk capital for each trade and continue with the trend to get the maximum benefit through a trailing stop. While the probability of success increases, people call it a successful trading strategy.

Only for selected assets?

The strategy generates Technical Report and forecast for all Indices & Nifty50 stocks on NSE and metals and energy commodities on MCX. Available for futures, options, weekly options.


No way past performance decides the future outcome instead a trading strategy & money management decides the pattern of a trader's success, Just Like how a successful investor is continuing the top slot as a better wealth creator.

Is this an Algo Trade?

No. But the analyst has been using fast computing and machine learning for generating the trading idea. The TradingBee Technology marketplace platform allows the forecast to be converted in to orders/ spread orders and then send to the broker after your confirmation.

About the Author

Sathish Kavinchal, A SEBI Regd RESEARCH ANALYST has developed the above said derivative trading technical strategy to support traders. Sathish has more than 19 years of experience in financial markets and Trading. He is also a trading algorithm Programmer with skills in web and AI technologies besides keeping an academic background in Mathematics & Statistics.

SEBI Research Analyst: INH200007539